Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Why Do We Fail to Understand the Importance of Mental Health Issues?

Why Do We Fail to Understand the Importance of Mental Health Issues?

Issues regarding the mental wellbeing of people are on the rise, and so is the understanding that one needs to address their mental condition if need be. According to WHO, depression would be second leading cause of disability by 2020. Despite this, there are still instances wherein people fail to receive the required medical treatment pertaining to their mental condition. As underrated as it is, any medical condition with respect to the health of your mind must never be compromised. The following list brings to light some of the many reasons why people may fail to understand the importance of mental health:
Lack of awareness
Despite all the initiative taken up by a handful of people to educate the masses on the importance of mental health, it is still insufficient. People need to be open enough to accept the reality that is in existence these days. There needs to be sufficient awareness regarding this topic on an individual as well as on the professional level. The unawareness needs to be addressed and driven out as soon as possible. It is because of this awareness that many people do not even realize that they are suffering from a mental condition that requires to be addressed and dealt with medically.
Shamefulness or guilt
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Many people, despite being aware that they need medical help regarding their mental health, are still hesitant to open up. The reason being that our society is still reluctant to accept that being a little mentally disturbed is fine, and is as normal as any physical ailment. Going to a psychologist or psychiatrist is looked down upon in our society, which is why many individuals prefer hiding their true condition beneath a façade of happiness instead of availing help for themselves.
Limited accessibility to professionals
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Though there are plenty of psychology professionals out there willing to help individuals who need their help, these professionals are not easily accessible. As compared to medical doctors who are available at the earliest, it is not the same with psychology professionals. They are not readily available, and hence people find it difficult to approach and consult them. This causes them to spend their days with their condition instead of seeking help.
Living in a state of denial
It is one thing to accept your mental condition and approach treatment facilities, and totally another to deny any issue regarding your mental health when there clearly is one. This is, perhaps, the worst reason to not opt for any medical treatment. No matter how much awareness or publicity is generated regarding this issue, there will not be any improvement until people don’t realize the importance of addressing issues of mental health.
Expecting your mind to heal itself
As hilarious as it may seem, many disturbed people expect their minds to heal themselves magically, in spite of not doing anything to better it. It is impossible for this to happen. Consider a scenario where you are down with a physical disease, and you wait for it to die down on its own instead of doing anything about it. People might just call you insane if you expect your bodily disorders to go away on their own. But when the same is done with mental conditions, no one bats an eye. It is because of this issue too that many individuals pay no heed to the intense importance of mental health issues.
Expensive treatments
Let’s be honest. The sessions with a psychologist cost a bomb. Many people cannot afford to spend that amount of money or time going to the psychologist’s clinic to open up about their issues. It is very important to have a professional listen to you and advise you. But many people wrongly consider this expenditure a sheer waste of time and money, and hence remain untreated.
Treat mental issues seriously
You should never have second thoughts about anything pertaining to the treatment of your condition. Talk to your trustworthy people and seek professional help whenever you feel the need. It is better to be safe than sorry. Also, make sure that your loved ones and friends around you are all at ease and are never subject to any such conditions that may cause them to seek mental aid.

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