Saturday 20 January 2018

Curd is The Best Remedy to Loose Weight

Curd or yogurt is, no doubt, a delicious treat for our taste buds. It is also quite well-known to be a simple natural ingredient offering tons of health benefits. But there is one fact, which many people are still not aware of. Yes, the curd is a weight loss superfood! It helps in keeping our body weight under control by eliminating additional pounds and the process is absolutely natural, safe, and highly effective. Let’s explore how curd can make your weight loss journey smoother with its magical effects. Know why and how you should eat curd for losing weight and learn to choose the best type of curd for enjoying the maximum results.
Image result for curd

Also Read: 6 Miracle Health Benefits of Honey and Cinnamon

* Keeps BMI Levels Healthy

According to the American Dietetic Association, the reason behind excellent fat-burning capacity of curd is the high amount of calcium present in it. Being a great source of calcium, curd can keep our BMI levels healthy, which is closely linked to the reduction of body fat.
* Loaded With Probiotics

Most curd varieties contain probiotics or live and active cultures, which is another reason to increase curd intake. It has been found that probiotics can promote the functionality of our digestive tract by providing it with healthy bacteria, which aids in absorbing all essential nutrients from our food. As a result, our weight loss efforts get facilitated.

* Powerhouse Of Protein

Being a dairy product, the curd is very high in protein. This is essential for filling you up and keeping hunger at bay. Protein also helps in maintaining lean muscle mass while eliminating unwanted body fat.

Also Read : 4 Anti-Ageing Essential Oils For Skin

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Don't Like the Gym or Do not get the Time to Gym? Here Are 5 Other Ways to Stay Fit

You began 2018 with a resolution to hit the gym and get fit.
But deep down, you know that's never happening. So, why waste another year of your life making a resolution you know you'll not keep.
Why not look beyond the gym? There are other ways to get in shape!
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1. Yoga
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Regular yoga will give you a flat tummy faster than hardcore crunches.

Do we even need to tell you the benefits of yoga? Much has been said about yoga's ability to keep you fit, calm and happy. Besides, it is cheaper and can be done in the comforts of your home. Why hit the gym for those abs, when you can easily get sleek toned muscles by practising yoga? 

From Surya Namaskar to Chakras, there are plenty of asanas you could incorporate in your daily life.

 Hot or Aerial? Choose a Yoga Class to Fit Your Needs

2. Swimming
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Swimming helps keep extra weight at bay.
Who said swimming is only for kids? As a toning exercise, swimming is quite effective and can help you achieve your desired results even faster than gym. Provided you don't just go and splash in the pool. You really have to push yourself, but it's worth it. And it's fun.

Not just swimming, any form of aqua exercise is great for weight loss. Why? Because they promote muscle strengthening, burn more fat, tone up your body faster than other aerial exercises.

And before you fret about not being a champ, let us tell you, as a skill swimming isn't difficult to learn and it is never too late to learn. Don't overthink. Just take the plunge!

3. Zumba
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Zumba is both fun and effective.
With Zumba, you can dance your way to weight loss. Apparently, an hour of Zumba can set you back by a whooping 800 calories! Not only do you lose weight but also get a toned body.
Say bye to all your gym woes – no painful crunches, no boring weight-lifting and no waiting-in-line for the treadmill.
The best thing about Zumba, however is that this high-intensity dance-inspired workout not just keeps the weight in check but also your stress-levels.

4. Running/Skipping/Taking the Stairs
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Image result for taking stairs

20 minutes of running daily goes a long way in keeping you fit.
We are all guilty of undermining the importance of running or even taking the stairs when it comes to weight loss. Our first impulse, when panic strikes, is to register for a gym membership. And we end up losing a ton of money.
Also how about switching the escalators for stairs? Or taking out 15 minutes in a day for a high-intensity skipping session?
In fact, running goes a long way in helping you lose weight and staying fit. It is simple, inexpensive and quite effective in giving you a good cardiovascular workout. Just avoid running in smoggy weather.

5. Pick a Sport
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Badminton is a great outdoor sport to help you stay fit.
Playing badminton in winters is one of my fondest childhood memories. Imagine my joy when I heard you can lose weight playing baddy!
A good badminton session (with umpteen smashes and drops) does a great job in keeping you fit. It improves your reflexes and keeps extra weight in check.

Also Read: 6 Miracle Health Benefits of Honey and Cinnamon

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5 Most Effective Weight Gain Exercises that Men Must Try

To gain weight, you need to exercise as much as your calorie intake. Exercise is important in this endeavour because you need to be able t...