Sunday, 31 December 2017

Is 30 Minutes of Swimming Better Than Running on the Treadmill for One Hour?

Image result for Swimming vs. Running Swimming

Swimming for 30 minutes and running 1 hour on a treadmill can both help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce your chronic disease risks. You’ll burn a significant amount of calories swimming for 30 minutes, yet your calorie expenditure is greater running on a treadmill for one hour. The workout that's the best fit for you is one you enjoy and can stick with long term.

Swimming vs. Running

Swimming is much easier on your joints than running on a treadmill, which is beneficial for injury prevention. However, weight-bearing exercises -- such as running -- are more beneficial for healthy bones. A study published in a 2009 issue of the “Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research” found that running increases bone-mineral density more than non-weight-bearing exercises, such as cycling and swimming. However, high-impact running does increase your risk for bone fractures.

Calories Burned

You’ll likely burn more calories running on a treadmill for 1 hour than you will swimming for 30 minutes, which is beneficial for weight loss. Harvard Health Publications reports a 155-pound adult burns 744 calories running for 1 hour at a pace of 6 miles per hour, but only burns 372 calories swimming the breaststroke for 30 minutes. If you boost your swimming duration to 1 hour, you’ll burn the same amount of calories – 744 -- as you would running 6 miles per hour for the same duration. If you burn 500 more calories than you eat each day, you’ll lose about 1 pound per week.

Exercise Intensity

You can reap the same health benefits, such as reduced chronic-disease risks, swimming for 30 minutes at a vigorous intensity as you can running for 1 hour at a moderate intensity, according to the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines moderate intensity as working out at 50 to 70 percent of your maximum heart rate, and vigorous intensity as exercising at 70 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. You should be able to comfortably hold a conversation during moderate-intensity exercise, but struggle a bit more talking while exercising at a vigorous intensity.

Effective Weight Loss

A study published in a 2006 issue of the “Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness” found that subjects lost the same amount of weight and body fat doing weight-bearing exercises on land -- such as walking or running -- as they did exercising in water. However, running for an hour on a treadmill may help you lose more weight than swimming for 30 minutes a day, if your calorie intake remains constant. A review published in a 2009 issue of “Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise” reports that exercising more than 4 hours weekly is associated with significant weight loss in overweight individuals. If you choose swimming for 30 minutes over running for an hour, you'll need to eat less to get the same weight-loss results.
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Expert reveals weight loss secret which can 'transform your health in 21 days'

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Losing weight is not an easy feat to accomplish, even when you have set a specific target. It requires hard work, discipline, dedication, immense will-power, and self-control.

It is a slow and steady process and many people go to all sorts of lengths to achieve their desired goals like trying out all sorts of diets that suit their requirements or have been proven effective, in order to quicken the process.
A lot of people even tend to give up halfway through their journey, simply because they run out of patience.

But now, a doctor has revealed that people don't need to sign up to a gym as a balanced diet of plenty of vegetables, fish, dairy, and healthy fats can do wonders for their waistline, reports Daily Express.

Dr Aseem Malhotra also revealed that people can maintain fitness with lots of brisk walking, says the top doctor.
Cutting sugar and refined carbohydrates, like cakes, pasta, and pizzas, is also key to good health.

Dr Malhotra noted, "It is clear that diet and lifestyle are far more powerful than drugs or taking to the gym. Lifestyle changes such as consuming less sugar are more powerful than any medication that doctors can prescribe. You cannot outrun a bad diet – this should be what doctors are advising their patients. Eating junk food and then trying to beat the bulge with heavy workouts is a waste of time."
Enjoying dark chocolate and a glass of wine in moderation, however, would be beneficial to health, said Dr Malhotra. He also explained that following a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle can transform a person's health in just 21 days, reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes and increasing longevity.

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