Friday 15 December 2017

20 Health Benefits Of Muskmelon That Will Amaze You!

Image result for Muskmelon

Muskmelon is a fruit which is also referred to as sweet melon. It is like other melons, which is known for its high water content that helps in preventing dehydration. It is also great for weight-loss lovers, as it is low in calories and rich in nutrients.
Muskmelon is loaded with so many nutrients that it almost seems like the superhero of fruits. It contains dietary fibre, beta-carotene, potassium, iron, manganese, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, and other vital nutrients.
Muskmelons are delicious and aromatic and give a different kind of taste in cooking. And we are sure, you will be amazed to discover the 20 health benefits of muskmelon. Read on to know more.

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1. Improves Eye Vision

Muskmelons contain a high dosage of vitamins A and C, which help you to get a sharp vision. The vitamins are known to strengthen the retina, which is vital for clear vision and eyesight.
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2. Manages Blood Pressure

Muskmelons being rich potassium help with controlling blood pressure and keep hypertension at bay.
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3. Helps In Losing Weight

Muskmelons contain very less saturated fat content and come with low calories. The fibre-rich fruit will make you feel full and, thereby reduce the food cravings that will bring your weight under control.
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4. Prevents Heart Diseases

Muskmelons have potassium content in them that helps reduce cardiac problems and heart problems like heart attacks and stroke. They also contain anticoagulant properties because of adenosine, which contains blood-thinning factors.
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5. Controls Diabetes

Eating muskmelons can keep diabetes in check. This wonder fruit controls the blood sugar levels effectively, thereby helping in controlling diabetes.
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6. Boosts Immunity

Muskmelons act as a great immunity booster because of the vitamin C content. The fruit stimulates the production of white blood cells that help fight off infections in the body.

7. Lowers Cholesterol

If you are planning to lower your cholesterol level, eat muskmelons on a daily basis. The fruit is absolutely cholesterol free, so you need not worry about getting cholesterol.
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8. Cures Stomach Ulcers

Muskmelons are effective in treating stomach ulcers, due to the vitamin C content. It is also high in water content that cools the lining of the stomach.

9. Relieves Constipation

Muskmelons have the perfect balance of water and fibre, which is great for relieving constipation. It eases the digestion process and is a great natural healer.

10. Controls And Prevents The Risk Of Cancer

Muskmelons contain vitamin C and the antioxidant called beta-carotene that ward away the free radicals and prevent the cells of the body from getting damaged, thus preventing the risk of cancer.

11. Prevents Dehydration

Muskmelons have a high water content, which keeps the body hydrated, thereby addressing issues like low energy and fainting.

12. Prevents Kidney Stones

An extract from muskmelon called oxykine is known for removing the kidney stones. Muskmelon also cleanses the kidneys, owing to its high water content.

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13. Suppresses Sleep-related Disorder

Have a problem with sleeping at night? Here's the remedy, include muskmelons in your diet, as they cure sleeping disorders by relaxing the nerves and muscles of the brain.

14. Helps During Pregnancy

Pregnant women are recommended folic acid. The fruit is a great source of high folate content that helps in pregnancy and in conceiving by preventing neural tube defects.

15. Reduces Menstrual Cramps

Having trouble with menstrual cramps? Eat a lot of muskmelons that will bring relief by easing out the pain caused by cramps. It contains anti-coagulant properties that dissolve the clot and ease muscle cramps.

16. Helps In Quitting Smoking

Muskmelon fruits are a very good solution when you are planning to quit smoking. Muskmelons rejuvenate the lungs and help the body recover from nicotine withdrawal faster.
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17. Combats Stress

If you ever are under stress, instead of popping those pills, include muskmelons in your diet. It increases the flow of oxygen to the brain, which eventually makes the brain calm.
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18. Relieves Toothache

The skin of the muskmelon is useful in curing toothaches. You can boil the skin in water and rinse your mouth with it.
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19. Strengthens The Bones

The vitamin C in muskmelon is great for strengthening muscles and bones, as it invokes the production of collagen in the bones and muscles.
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20. Relieves Cough

Muskmelons can be eaten to relieve you from cough and congestion that will help to flush out the excess phlegm from the system and in turn provide relief from coughing.
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