Wednesday 6 December 2017

9 Important Tips To Keep In Mind Before Joining A Gym For The First Time!

Have you been looking at various gym membership costs and considering enrolling yourself in one of them, finally, after all these years? If yes, then, congrats! Because, you have taken a step towards good health!
As we may already know, exercising is one of the most important activities which can help us prevent a number of diseases and also treat certain ailments, naturally.
In addition, regular exercise can keep your mental and physiological health going exceptionally well and this fact has numerous scientific evidences.
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Whether you are planning to lose weight, gain muscle mass or tone your body to look fitter and shapely, exercising is the only natural way to attain it.
Although exercising may seem like it is very hard work initially, making a person want to give up, once you get into the mode and start to see the results, it will not be too long before it becomes a part of your daily routine!
Now, just like different people have different tastes and interests when it comes to hobbies, food, etc., they also have varied tastes when it comes to exercise.
There is a whole range of exercises which come with different levels of intensities and these cater to the needs and interests of different people.
Zumba, cross fit, cardio, weight lifting, dance, jogging, running and even household chores are different forms of exercises.
Now, many people opt to join a gym to attain their fitness goals, because most gyms combine cardiovascular exercises and weight lifting, which are very effective for weight loss and muscle gaining!
So, if you are someone who has decided to get fitter and wants to join a gym, there are a few things you must keep in mind; have a look at them here.
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Tip #1: Go In For The Free Trial Period

There are many gyms in the cities today which offer attractive membership deals; however, not all of them have good workout equipment or good trainers. Most gyms offer a free 3-7 days of trial periods, so before paying the fees, take up the free trial period offer and try a few gyms. You will surely know which one suits you better!
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Tip #2: Pick A Gym Nearby

Ensure that you pick a gym which is not more than 1-2 kilometres away from your place because studies have found that if a gym is located too far away, a lot of people tend to miss out on their workouts because they may feel too lazy to travel such distances. Also, if your gym is close by, you can walk or cycle to it, which in itself becomes a warm-up exercise!
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Tip #3: Check For The Hygiene Factor

Ensure that the gym you are enrolling at is relatively clean, with a clean restroom to wash up after your workout and clean exercise mats and other workout equipment. If hygiene is not maintained at a gym, chances of you getting viral infections are high because a lot of people use these equipment and there is a lot of sweat residue on them!

Tip #4: Get Yourself Checked With A Doctor

Make sure that you speak to your doctor and get a complete body analysis done before joining a gym. Gym workouts can be rather intense, especially when cardio and weightlifting are combined, and you have to get it checked to see if you are not suffering from heart diseases or other major ailments which can worsen when you indulge in intense exercises.
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Tip #5: Take The Help Of A Trainer

Most gyms have trainers and personal trainers. Ensure that you speak to them before starting your workout routine. They can help chart out your daily workouts, according to your fitness goals. The exercises for losing weight may not be similar to the ones practiced to gain muscles, so it is important to be guided by a trainer initially.
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Tip #6: Let Your Trainer Know Of Body Injuries

If you have an injury at a certain part of your body or a long-term pain, for example, knee pain, back pain, etc., it is very important to inform this to your trainer, so that he/she can avoid giving you exercises which leave pressure on those particular parts of your body, thereby preventing further health complications.

Tip #7: Get All The Important Tests Done Initially

Ensure that your trainer checks your weight, BMI (Body Mass Index), body fat percentage, etc., on your first day at the gym. By doing this, you can keep a track of your progress and see how much weight you have lost, or how much muscle mass you have gained.

Tip #8: Give Equal Importance To Your Diet

Having a diet regimen in accordance with your gym workouts is also very important to help attain your fitness goals quickly. Just exercising at the gym, without a balanced diet can prove to be futile. So, take your trainer's help or go to a dietitian who can chart out a diet regimen for you, in accordance to your workouts.

Tip #9: Do Not Be Self-conscious At The Gym

The first time at the gym can be quite intimidating and some people may feel self-conscious to perform certain exercises, but keep in mind that you are doing this for your health and focus on your workouts completely, leaving all your inhibitions behind!

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