Friday, 24 November 2017

Your Lip Colour Says A Lot About Your Health

Your Lip Colour Says A Lot About Your Health

You know that your eyes can tell a lot about you and so does your lip colour. The lip colour tends to tell how healthy you are.
Ever seen people with brown lips? It is generally due to smoking. The redness fades away gradually when you smoke and many other problems can start occurring later on.
Your Lip Colour Says A Lot About Your Health
what your lip colour says about your health
Your lip colour can tell what might be going on inside your body.
If you want to figure out what is going on inside your body, you just need to find out the colour of your lips.
So, to make things easier for you, we have listed what your lip colour says about your health. Read further to find out.
what your lip colour says about your health
Bright Red:
Red colour is good, but when the red colour is too strong, then it indicates that your liver and spleen are not working well. You might also crave for food a lot and it can also lead to bad breath.
Purple Or Green Tint:
When it is winter, it is common that people get this shade due to excessive cold. But if the shade stays longer post winter, then you must visit a doctor for a check-up. This can also indicate that you might be having a heart problem or respiratory diseases.
what your lip colour says about your health
Rosy Pink:
If your lips are rosy pink in colour, then it indicates that you're perfectly healthy.
Dark Red To Black:
This is mostly due to smoking. But if you're a non-smoker, then it means your digestive system is overworked and does not function properly. To improve your digestive system, you need to have food items that are rich in fibre and also keep drinking lots of warm water.
what your lip colour says about your health
Dark Red Or Purple Line:
This might be because your body might not be in the right balance and might sometimes be cold or hot. You can get rid of this colour, if you avoid spicy foods or processed ones and have neutral foods like rice, carrot, almonds, fish, etc.

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