Top 10 Beauty Superfoods For Fabulous Skin, Hair & Nails
White spots on your nails may indicate that you are lacking in vitamin E. Try adding some oats to your diet, such as porridge, to make sure you get sufficient levels.
If you suffer from dry, cracked lips, particularly in the colder months, it may indicate a lack of riboflavin, or vitamin B2. This deficiency can cause an inflammation of cells in the lips, causing swelling and cracks.
Prawns are ideal if your skin has lost some of its lustre and softness. They contain copper, vital for creating collagen and springy elastin, which form the deeper layers of the skin.
Avocado really is the skin saver of the food world. You can use avocados externally to moisturize dry, damaged skin, or eat them for numerous complexion benefits. Avocados contain around 30g of fat, which helps to plump out skin cells, and provides the nourishment needed to prevent dryness and wrinkles.
The “orange peel” effect affects around 95% of women. Eating kiwi fruit, which is extremely high in vitamin C, not only helps you to achieve your five a- day fruit and vegetable goal, but eating just one means you’ve achieved your recommended daily intake of vitamin C.
We all know that we are what we eat! So what do your hair, skin and nails say about you?
Charmaine Yabsley, the author of Naturally Beautiful shares her list of the 10 best beauty foods to have you glowing and gorgeous this year.
1. Oats for:
White spots on nails
Vitamin E provides the healthy pink color in nails, and helps to keep them healthy and strong. Oats also contain iron; a deficiency can lead to thin, brittle nails, with a concave shape.
Also try: Pine nuts, sesame seeds, cashew nuts
2. Scallops for:
Oily skin
Scallops are high in protein, yet very low in fat. They contain significant amounts of omega-3 fat, which helps to prevent heart disease and counteracts inflammation. They are also good sources of minerals, including the antioxidants selenium and zinc. If you suffer from excessively dry or oily skin, or your skin breaks out in spots on a regular basis, you could be deficient in zinc, which is vital for skin repair and renewal.
Also try: Prawns, anchovies, mussels
3. Yoghurt for:
Dry, cracked lips
Eating a pot of yoghurt every day can help to maintain a healthy gut and prevent constipation. Prolonged periods of constipation can lead to spots around the mouth.
Also try: Chicken, cheese, cranberries
4. Walnuts for:
Rich hair colour
If your hair color is fading, try adding some walnuts to your diet. Walnuts contain copper, which is needed by the body to produce melanin pigments. Melanin provides hair with its color, and it also helps to thicken and add shine to hair. Eating walnuts may also assist in reversing the greying of hair. In addition, including walnuts in your diet can increase blood flow to the head and scalp, which means that your hair will grow faster.
Also try: Pulses, liver, seafood
5. Prawns for:
Soft, dewy skin
Copper also helps to absorb ultraviolet rays and creates an even, natural skin color.
Also try: Seaweed, strawberries, wholemeal bread
6. Peppers for:
Dry, flaking nails
Peppers have a high water content – one large pepper supplies the body with the equivalent of a glass of water, so peppers are particularly useful for keeping the skin and nails hydrated. Nails are composed of 16% water; when the levels fall below this amount, they become prone to brittleness, breaking and peeling. Peppers are also packed with vitamin C, which helps to boost the immune system and fight fungal infections, which can sometimes affect nails.
Also try: Herrings, garlic, black-eyed peas
7. Avocado for:
Dry skin
The monounsaturated oils can also help to reduce inflamed skin conditions, such as eczema, acne or psoriasis.
Also try: Salmon, nuts, seeds, papaya
8. Pumpkin seeds for:
Soft, shiny hair
Pumpkin seeds are not just a tasty snack; they’re also a great way to add some shine to your hair. They contain a large amount of iron, which helps to supply oxygen to the hair roots and can prevent hair loss. It will also encourage hair to grow at a much faster speed. The protein in pumpkin seeds helps to build keratin, the protective coating of hair that makes it appear shiny. And if you’re growing your hair but despair of your split ends, then the zinc will aid in strengthening the hair follicle.
Also try: Mackerel, tuna, flax seeds
9. Kiwi fruit for:
This vitamin is required to strengthen capillary walls, which, when ruptured, can cause skin bruising and tiny thread veins. Strong capillary walls also ensure that a good supply of oxygen and nutrients can reach the skin, helping it to appear plumper, smoother and more elastic.
Also try: Celery, berries, papaya
10. Chamomile for:
Dark eye circles
Dark circles around the eyes can be caused by a sluggish liver or kidneys, so drinking herbal tea, such as chamomile, can help to kickstart it. Chamomile is also a natural antiseptic, and can help to reduce redness of the eye and blocked tear ducts. If you’re suffering from a lack of sleep, try drinking chamomile tea before going to bed. The balerianic acid in the leaves of the chamomile plant can help you to relax. A good night’s sleep is beauty’s restorer, reducing the appearance of dark circles, and also reducing the appearance of tiredness and facial tension. These can add years, so try to get your minimum of eight hours at least once a week.
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