Monday 11 December 2017

Which Is Safe: Raw Milk, Packet Milk Or Tetra Milk?

Dairy milk is an important part of everyday diet for most people. Making the children have a glass of milk daily is an age-old custom that is prevalent in many households across the world. Milk is one of the richest sources of calcium. Adequate level of calcium in the body wards off bone related ailments like osteoporosis, bone injuries and others.
Image result for milk

Though people give immense attention to eating healthy and fresh food but they forget about their daily drink, they don't know whether their milk is pasteurized or not. As a large number of cattle today are tuberculosis ridden so hygiene in milk definitely deserves a check. So, let's find out which milk out there is the safest.
Let start with raw milk:

#1. Raw milk:
Image result for raw milk

Also, we know milk is a rich source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Minerals like Calcium and vitamins like Vitamin A, D, B1, B2, B12 and K, boiling affects many of these vital nutrients in your milk. Raw milk is responsible for nearly three times more hospitalizations than any other food-borne disease outbreak, making it one of the world’s most dangerous food products. So, if you opting for it, i suggest go for other options.

#2. Packet milk:

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Honestly I cannot tell you about the brands that you have to use but yes packaged milk is very safe for health, rather much safer than fresh milk. It is the pasteurized & homogenised, i.e., bacteria & impurities are removed before packaging. Packaged milk goes involves heating milk at a temperature of 135 degrees Celsius (which is above boiling point) for a few seconds and then cooling it down, by this many harmful bacteria are removed. But it also loses some of its nutritional value.

#3. Tetra-pack milk:

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In a six-layered Tetra Pack cartons UHT (Ultra High Temperature) treated milk simply means that the milk has been heated to a very high temperature for a brief period of time. Tetra pack milk has higher shelf life as compared to pouch milk.
But it has many demerits also:
  1. Milk in tetra pack is not recommended for children.
  2. Milk in tetra pack requires to be boiled again.
  3. Milk in tetra packs lacks nutrition. Surely as it is boiled and cooled in short instance of time which affects vitamins & minerals.
The safety of milk is utmost important as we drink it and give it to our kids trusting it to be healthy and safe. So, after reading this can you guess who is the winner?

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The winner is packet milk as it is safe and contains not all but many essential minerals & vitamins and also free from harmful bactrias.
Thanks for reading... 
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