Walking does more than let you fit back into those skinny jeans from last year. Continue reading to know more.

Physical Health
Walking strengthens the heart, wards off heart disease and lowers blood pressure. It also can reduce bad cholesterol and hence reduces the risk of getting a stroke. Research has also shown that walking just 30 to 45 minutes a day can increase the number of immune cells in the body. This level stays elevated even hours after the walk.
Weight Loss
The most natural form of exercise, walking is a healthier option to strict diets and hard workouts. With the right intensity, walking can bump up your heart rate and burn some serious calories, letting you reach and maintain a healthy weight. You can change things up by walking uphill, climbing a staircase, using an app or device to monitor the number of steps you take, etc. All this makes walking more fun and useful as a weight-loss exercise.
Mental Health
Women are twice as likely to develop depression or experience symptoms of it. Exercises like walking have proved to be effective in relieving these symptoms. It boosts the endorphins, or ‘feel‐good’ chemicals in the brain and can also improve the ability to cope with stress.
Fun fact: Walking is also good for the mind. It helps supply the brain with adequate amounts of glucose and oxygen; which helps in making it function better.
‘You’ Time
Women take on multiple (demanding) roles that can leave us drained and exhausted. It’s important to keep aside some ‘me’ time to get a break and just clear your head. Walking in the open is perfect for that.
Every woman who’s ever been pregnant will tell you that her doctor (and the list of people who love giving unsolicited advice) stressed the importance of walking at least 30 min five times in a week. Walking helps keep pregnant women healthy and fit, thus reducing the irritating symptoms like bloating and cramps. Additionally, pregnancy can be a stressful time for some and walking is an excellent way to uplift spirits and change your mood.
After menopause, women are more likely to develop osteoporosis. It is due to the lack of oestrogen. It is projected that women can lose up to 10% of their bone mass during the first five years of menopause. It is essential to get enough calcium and also do regular weight-bearing exercises – the best of which is walking. But waiting till you’re 40 may not be as useful as starting now.
Oh, So Easy
The main reason to take up walking instead of paying for a gym membership or joining a club is that it’s so easy. You don’t need a professional trainer or special gear – just some sports shoes and an open road.
Tips to Make Walking Fun
Find your Groove
When you start off, start slow. Change the pace now and then and slow down when you need to. It will make it easier for you to figure out what works for you. The distance and pace will change the more you walk.
It’s always best to soak in the surroundings while you walk. But you can also use this time to listen to music, an audiobook or a podcast. If you do this, however, try to be aware of your surroundings – especially if you’re walking in an area where there’s traffic.
Take a friend along
Having someone to walk along makes walking more fun and helps you stay committed to it. You can also walk your dog.
Right Environment
As far as possible, try to find a beautiful park or a scenic road to walk on. The fresh air lets you feel more connected to nature. In fact, a study in 2013 found that walking in green spaces could put the mind in a state of meditation.
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