Thursday 7 December 2017

Horseradish: Weight loss, heart healt hand other surprising health benefits you should know

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Horseradish is one root vegetable that is mainly used as a spice and has innumerable health benefits that might surprise you. It can be eaten in various forms. It is usually used as a food additive, made into a sauce, eaten as a vegetable or even in a salad. It has a pungent smell and is popular all across the globe. Here are a few health benefits of horseradish:.

  1. Cancer prevention: Horseradish has high levels of glucosinolates, a specific type of antioxidant which can help prevent cancer. It also helps delay the expansion of metastasis of cancerous cells.
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  3. Weight loss: It is fibre and protein-rich which makes horseradish a great food to eat if you are on any kind of weight loss diet. It is low in calories and has no fat except for omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid that is vital for human metabolism.
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  5. Stimulates digestion: It is known to stimulate various glands that aid digestion to a certain extent. It stimulates glands responsible for gastric and intestinal juices. Also since it is rich in fibre it helps in smoother bowel movement.
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  7. Pregnancy: Although it must be consumed with doctor's consultation, studies prove that due to the high levels of folate in horseradish it helps protect mothers and infant from pregnancy issues. It is also proven to aid the development of the fetus and reduce the chances of neural tube defects.

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  9. Low BP and heart health: Horseradish is rich in Potassium which helps lower blood pressure. A maintained blood pressure reduces the risk of heart diseases like heart attack and stroke. Include horseradish in your diet to help lower blood pressure, especially if you suffer from high BP.
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  11. Immunity: High in vitamins and antioxidants, horseradish is very well known for helping improve and strengthen immunity. It also improves the production of white blood cells in our body that helps our body fight against various diseases.

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