Sunday 10 December 2017

5 very simple ways to lose weight within a week

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Once in a while, we all indulge in our favourite treats without a care in the world. And well, there's nothing wrong with that, except those savoury dishes come back to haunt you once you're out of that indulgence mode.
Their way of getting back at you is to make their presence felt on your waistline. But don't lose heart just yet, ladies. Because you too can take your revenge--that too within seven days. After all, that bloating is temporary and is caused due to water retention in the body. Here's how you can ward off those extra kilos in a week:
Cut Water With Water
We get that water retention is responsible for that temporary weight gain; however, you can get rid of it by drinking more water. Basically, in most cases, your body starts retaining water when you're dehydrated. By upping your water intake, you eliminate the dehydration and your body restores its fluid balance, helping you to shed weight in return.
Count on Cardio
Incorporating cardio exercises like running, skipping, and cycling for at least 30 minutes in a day can help you a great deal. And we don't think we need to remind you how sweating heavily during exercise can rid your body of the excess water and other toxins, reducing puffiness, and bloating very quickly.
Get More Sleep
Now this may sound like a free pass to snooze away to glory, but it's not. What we mean to imply here is that sleeping for an extra half an hour after completing your regular sleep quota can be of great use to you if you want to shed water weight. According to the book Eat, Drink, and Be Gorgeous, doing so can make you stay fresh and motivated to exercise. Not to mention, with a fresh mind, you will choose healthier eating options too. What more do you want from life?
Cut Down Salt and Carbs
You must lower your salt intake and stick to light, salt-free food in the evening if you want to see quick results. Doing so is recommended because salt has the tendency to retain water in your body and you really don't want that, right?
As for carbohydrates, you need to limit their intake too in order to keep your calorie-count in check. But by that we don't mean that you stop having healthy carbs like cereal, whole wheat, and oats. Just steer clear of junk food.
Lean on Fibre
If you're on a weight-loss spree, upping your fibre intake in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables can be your best bet since fibre slides through your intestines undigested. The catch here is that fibre absorbs water and thus in its own special way, it helps you get rid of your water weight. Not to mention, it can make you feel satiated and curb those hunger pangs. So you see, it's a win-win situation there.

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