Sunday 17 December 2017

5 juices that will help you lose weight in no time

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Losing weight requires a lot of determination and patience. But along with that, what you need to know is the right way that will help you achieve your desired results. You must have surely heard about the right juices for weight loss. Replacing all your meals with juices and going on a liquid diet is nothing new. But going on a liquid diet does not suit many and in fact, upsets their digestive system and make them weak. So rather than going on a liquid diet, you can add some fresh juices to your diet to aid your weight loss programme. Drinking fresh juice is one easy way to load up on vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre. These nutrients help to revive your metabolism and help you burn more calories. And not only these juices will help you burn calories but also provide you with a host of health benefits. Consuming juices is also one easy way to consume a lot of nutrients without having whole fruits and vegetables. People on a diet are ideally supposed to have 6 to 8 servings of vegetables every day which is difficult to do. That is when juices come in the picture, as it's easy to consume 2-3 vegetables mixed in the form of juices. Also, consuming what you don't like in the form of liquid is easier than eating it all together and we are sure not many people like to eat fruits and vegetables all day long when on a weight loss plan. These juices are nutritious but they lack the essential carbs, protein and fats thus you should not depend only on them and keep having other healthy foods and workout regularly for better results. So, filling and full of nutrition, fruits and vegetable juices are one best option to aid weight loss. Let's discuss in detail about 5 such juices that are yummy and healthy at the same time and will also help you to achieve your weight loss goal in no time.

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Carrot juice

Low in calories and full of fibre, carrots are one superfood for weight loss. Due to its high fibre content, one glass of carrot juice will keep you stay full until lunch and thus will stop you from bingeing. Carrot juice helps in bile secretion which helps to burn fat and thus aids weight loss. You can add half apple, orange and ginger to enhance its taste. Consuming it without straining would be a better choice.

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Orange juice

Orange juice is the best low-calorie replacement for all your fizzy drinks that you crave for along with your meals sometimes. Orange juice is also considered to be a negative calorie juice which means it contains fewer calories than what your body requires to burn it. So, what can be better than a glass of orange juice as you burn more than what you drink?
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Beetroot juice

A great addition to your weight loss programme, beetroot juice is full of nutrients and has no fats and cholesterol. Beetroot juice is helpful in maintaining a healthy bowel movement due to being a good source of both soluble and insoluble dietary fibre. You can add a few drops of lemon, a pinch of salt and some roasted cumin powder to enhance the taste of the juice.
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Watermelon juice

We all know keeping yourself hydrated is as important as gymming or exercise for a weight loss programme to be successful. Watermelon juice helps you to keep yourself hydrated and also helps in burning calories due to being rich in amino acid. 100 ml of watermelon juice contains approximately 100 calories. Not bad!

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Amla juice

Amla juice is best to kick-start your day as it accelerates your metabolism and keeps your digestive system on track throughout the day. Faster the metabolism faster the burning of fat. It is suggested to consume amla juice first thing in the morning with a drop of honey in it to aid your weight loss programme. Adding a drop of honey will also keep you active and energetic throughout the day.
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