Friday 8 December 2017

Top Skin Care Tips For Winters

Winter weather can play havoc on your skin. Low temperatures and low humidity make the air very dry which robs away moisture from your skin and makes it dry and flaky. Without proper care, dryness can lead to chapping, cracking, itching, and skin inflammation. In addition to this, use of indoor heaters and hot showers further dries up your skin.
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Here are fantastic skin care tips for winters to help you prevent your skin from drying out:

#Use lukewarm water:

Hot water shower feels very comfortable and soothing in winters. However, hot water is not suitable for our skin as it steals away the vital oils from our skin and leaves it dry and flaky. Taking a bath with lukewarm water is a better choice for your skin health.

#Use a mild cleanser:

A regular face-wash or body-wash can be extremely harmful to your skin in winters. You should use gentle cleansers with moisturising ingredients which do not leave your skin dry after a wash. Cleansers with natural oils like coconut oil, almond oil or honey are good options.


Don’t let the skin dry out after a bath or after washing your face. Always use a moisturiser as soon as you finish bathing. Applying moisturiser to damp skin helps in sealing the moisture into the skin. Therefore, keep a bottle in your washroom or near the washbasin so that you can quickly grab it.
Choose an oil-based moisturiser with natural and nourishing ingredients. Water-based moisturizers may dry out faster leaving theskin exposed to the dry climate.
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Since room heaters dry out the indoor air even more, therefore, you can consider using a humidifier in the house particularly in your bedroom. It will help in maintaining the moisture level of indoor air and will prevent your skin from drying out.


Whenever you have to step out in winters, always use gloves, socks and scarfs to protect your skin from cold and dry winds.

#Use sunscreen:

Just because the climate is not as bright and sunny as in summers, it does not mean ultraviolet rays are not reaching us. Even on cloudy/hazy days, UV rays from the sun can cause harm to our skin. So, always apply sunscreen on exposed parts of your body 30 minutes before you step out.


During winters, we not only lose moisture from our skin due to cold air, but we also tend to drink less water because of less perspiration. These factors may lead to dehydration. Therefore, to keep the body and skin hydrated, you should make conscious efforts to keep sipping water all through the day.


The skin on our hands, feet, elbows and knees tend to dry out faster than other parts of the body. Therefore, generously moisturising your hands and legs before sleeping can help you in keeping the skin soft and supple. Wearing socks after moisturising the feet is also a good option.

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